Legumes packing machine: horizontal or vertical? A selection guide

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If you are looking for a legumes packing machine, you should choose a machine that is able to create light and reliable packages. Together let us have a look at the models of vertical and horizontal packaging machines by minipack®-torre.
Minipack Torre spa
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A good legumes packing machine must create light, customisable packages that are easy for the consumer to open, yet also safe and able to preserve all of the properties of the product.

Vertical and horizontal packaging machines are perfect in this sense. This article explains all of the characteristics to understand what is best for your activity.

Vertical legumes packing machine

Vertical packing machines are generally small, compact and efficient. They tend to be used to package food products, nevertheless they are also perfect for packaging editorial, pharmaceutical products and videogames.

The mechanism of a vertical bagger is “form-fill-seal”, very simple and intuitive.

Minipack®-torre’s X-BAG EVO model is the perfect example of the ideal legumes packaging machine, in fact:

  • its reduced dimensions means that is does not take up a lot of space;
  • it quickly bags small amounts of material in sealed packages, of various formats and with different types of film;
  • it provides greater control of the product inserted inside the package;
  • it is practical and handy.

Here is an X-BAG EVO vertical packaging machine in action:



Horizontal legumes packing machine

The horizontal packaging machines are particularly suitable for medium-large companies with bulky productions, as these packaging machines are fully automated, as well as fast, efficient and easy to use.

Furthermore, these machines can be combined with heat-shrinking tunnels, to create aesthetically pleasing, compact and practical packages.

If you wish to package legumes in convenient trays, the Miniflow 600 machine is perfect, in fact:

  • it is highly performing and technologically advanced, perfect for companies with very high production rates (120 packs per minute);
  • maintenance and cleaning operations are highly facilitated;
  • it offers maximum versatility in format changes, therefore it is possible to create different size packages;
  • it is possible to add the gas washing mode.




Run a packaging test and discover which legumes packaging machines are the most suitable for your business!

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